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Baked Peach Cherry Pie

This tastes delicious. It is perfectly sweet without any added sugar, and the almond flavor really shines through.


1 peach

Cherry Filling (I only needed 1/3 this amount, but my peaches were small):

3/8 cup cherries (about 6)

1/4 tsp cornstarch

1/16 tsp almond extract


1 tbsp graham cracker crumbs

1 tsp banana



1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Cut peach in half. Core peach, leaving ~1/2 inch flesh around the outside.

3. Chop removed peach flesh. Combine with cherry filling ingredients.

4. Fill peach with filling mixture and then top with crumble.

5. Bake ~35 minutes.


Inspired by Recipe Rehab


Note: The original recipe was very different. It used honey and lemon juice. It also had a laced crust instead of a crumble.


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