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Banana Pancakes

These pancakes have a deep banana flavor, and they are so simple to make--requiring just a few ingredients.

Yield: Four 4 inch pancakes



1 banana

1-2 eggs

2 tsp flax seed, ground into 2 tbsp flax seed meal (opt)

1/4 cup oats, ground (opt)

2-4 tbsp blueberries (opt)

Try adding 1/4-1/2 tsp cinnamon and vanilla next time



1. Blend together ingredients.

2. Cook in skillet. Top with berries. Enjoy!


Nutrition Information (without oats or flax)

245 calories, 9.4g fat, 29g carbs, 3g fiber, 14g sugar, 13g protein'


Nutrition Information (with oats)

320 calories, 10.9g fat, 32.5g carbs, 5g fiber, 14g sugar, 15.5g protein


Nutrition Information (with flax)

278 calories, 11.4g fat, 31g carbs, 5g fiber, 15.3g sugar, 13g protein


Note: If you leave out the oats, it will still taste great (banana flavor 10/10), but the batter will be thin (might make a good crepe). Adding the oats makes the consistency more similar to a traditional pancake but results in slightly less banana flavor. The amount of oats listed here (1/4 cup) will still result in a thin batter with much less banana flavor.

Note: The version with 2 eggs and 1 banana has more of an egg-y flavor. The version with 1 egg and 1 banana has more of a banana flavor but is harder to flip.

Note: If you would like these to be really decadent (taste like donut), serve with chocolate pudding/frosting on top. Another option for topping is strawberry compote. Also try topping with fresh banana slices and nut butter--or fresh banana slices and strawberries.


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