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Banana Upside Down Muffins

The cinnamon and banana pair very well together

Yield: ~16 muffins??




4 bananas, mashed

1 banana, sliced

2 cups oatmeal

3 eggs

1/3 cup coconut oil

1/3 cup dates

1 tbsp cinnamon


1.25 cups coconut milk

1/2 cup dates

1 tsp vanilla



1. Blend oats into flour.

2. Blend mashed bananas, eggs, coconut oil, dates, and cinnamon.

3. Add dry to wet.

4. In skillet, cook coconut milk, dates, and vanilla on high 15-20 minutes. Let cool to thicken.

5. Add caramel to muffin cups, then banana, then batter.

6. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees

7. Invert to remove from pan.


Inspired by FitMen


Notes: Dense texture. Strong cinnamon flavor. Don't expect it to rise. Don't expect a carmely layer underneath the bottom.


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