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Caramel Pecan Pudding

If you like caramel, give this pudding recipe a try.


1 cup cooked lentils

5.33-8 tbsp cashew butter (I used 5.33 tbsp although original recipe called for 8)

1/2 cup date water (needed for sweetness)

upto 8 dates (might not need any if the date water adds enough sweetness)

upto 1/4 cup milk (optional- for blending)

1/3 cup pecans, for topping (optional)



1. Cook lentils.

2. Blend lentils, dates, cashew butter, and liquid.

3. Top with pecans. Enjoy!


Inspired by Eat Whats Good


Notes: Original recipe was for chocolate chip cookie dough pudding. Tastes more like caramel pecan pudding after my modifications. Original recipe did not call for any liquid.


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