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Cherry Apple Crisp

This cherry apple crisp has the right level of sweetness, with a hint of almond flavor.

Yield: 4 generous servings




1 pound cherries (~36-64)

1 green apple (~1.5 cups)

1/3 cup apple juice (I used date water- Probably need less than this, because there was a lot of liquid that turned to gelatin after baking.)

1.5 tbsp cornstarch

1/2 tsp almond extract

Crumble Topping: (I am not tied to this particular recipe)

1/4 cup oats

1/4 cup walnuts

2 tbsp flour

4 dates



1. Toss together cherries, apple, and almond extract.

2. Mix cornstarch and juice. Add to fruit mixture.

3. Bake at 400 degrees for ~15 minutes.


Inspired by The Fit House Wife


Notes: This is a 2:1 ratio of cherry to apple


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