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Chocolate Mousse Pie

You'll love this chocolate mousse pie.

Yield: 20-30 mini muffin tins



Pie Crust


10 oz unsweetened chocolate

1 can full fat coconut milk, chilled

3.33 cups dates (~80)

1 avocado

1/2 tsp vanilla (I omitted)

Coconut Whipped Cream:

1 can full fat coconut milk, chilled overnight

1/2 tsp vanilla

2 tsp maple syrup



1. Blend dates with the cream from one can of coconut milk along with 1/3 cup of the liquid.

2. Melt chocolate with coconut milk/date mixture and vanilla.

3. Add avocado. Blend well.

4. Pour into pie crust. Refrigerate 4 hours.

5. Make coconut whipped cream by beating coconut cream on high in chilled bowl. Add vanilla extract and maple syrup and beat again. Spread on top of pie.


Inspired by Making Thyme for Health


Notes: I used all of the liquid from the coconut milk. Make sure the dates are blended extremely well, or else it will impact the pie texture. Pie sets up extremely well.


Notes 2: I didn't make the whipped cream, but it really needs it. Chocolate mousse is really rich and decadent and solidified.


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