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Flavored Popcorn

Nutritional yeast gives this popcorn a cheesy flavor.


Dorito Flavored

6 tbsp unpopped popcorn

~2 tbsp coconut oil (Do not omit, or else the seasoning will not stick.)

1 tbsp nutritional yeast

1/4 tsp garlic powder

1/4 tsp onion powder

1/4 tsp cumin

1/4 tsp paprika

1/4 tsp chili powder

1/32-1/16 tsp cayenne (opt)

1/2 tsp sea salt



1. Pop popcorn in coconut oil.

2. Grind nutritional yeast. Mix with other spices. Sprinkle onto popcorn.

3. Enjoy!


Notes: I did not use the cayenne. The original recipe called for 3x the spice mixture. I used 1.5 tsp coconut oil for 2 tbsp unpopped popcorn; I did not taste it.


Notes 2: At first I was slightly disappointed with the flavor. It tasted mostly of nutritional yeast and din't have much chili flavor. However, the more I ate, the more I liked it. You will need all of the spices, although you will have leftovers from the spices that don't stick. 


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