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This hot chocolate can be whipped up in just minutes.

Hot Chocolate (Date Version)


1/2 cup coconut milk (Use lite because full fat will make the chocolate milk way to thick)

1/2 cup milk

2 tbsp cocoa powder

4 dates, or more to taste



1. Blend ingredients. Heat and enjoy.


Nutrition Information

236 calories, 10g fat, 33.3g carbs, 5.2g fiber, 24.5g sugar, 4.8g protein


Notes: I think this recipe is the best of the three. Regular milk cannot be substituted for the coconut milk. If using regular milk, it would require 7.5+ dates per cup of milk and tbsp of cocoa powder.


Inspired by Lean on Life


Try this warm cup of hot cocoa sweetened naturally with banana. The banana forms a frothy top that tastes great.

Hot Chocolate (Banana Version)


1 banana

1 tbsp cocoa powder

1 cup milk



1. Blend ingredients. Heat and enjoy.


Nutrition Information

205 calories, 7.9g fat, 33g carbs, 5.5g fiber, 14.5g sugar, 5g protein


Inspired by Su Good Sweets


Notes: Tastes a bit plain when cold. Nice and frothy. Banana tastes like marshmallow. Not very sweet but tastes like hot chocolate once warm. To take it over the top, try topping with banana pieces and caramel.


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You can drink this cold for chocolate milk or warm for hot chocolate. It is delicious either way.

Hot Chocolate (Coconut Milk + Coconut Water Version)


1 cup coconut milk (I used full-fat- but would recommend trying with lite next time to reduce coconut flavor)

1/2 cup coconut water

1.5 dates

2 tsp cocoa powder



1. Blend ingredients. Heat and enjoy.


Nutrition Information (based on 2 servings with full-fat coconut milk)

214 calories, 16.7g fat, 11.1g carbs, 0.8g fiber, 9.6g sugar, 2.1g protein


Nutrition Information (based on 2 servings with lite coconut milk)

94 calories, 5.7g fat, 9.1g carbs, 0.8g fiber, 7.6g sugar, 1.1g protein


Notes: Very strong (too much) coconut flavor when using full-fat coconut milk. Can only taste the strong coconut flavor when cold though. Regular milk cannot be substituted for the coconut milk and coconut water. If using regular milk, it would require 7.5+ dates per cup of milk and tbsp of cocoa powder.


Inspired by Feastie


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